The Psychology Of A Clean Home – How House keeping Affects Your Wellbeing

Home housekeeping seattle The Psychology Of A Clean Home – How House keeping Affects Your Wellbeing
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It’s no secret that our surroundings profoundly impact our mental and emotional well-being. Research in psychology has shown that the state of our home can significantly influence our mood, behavior, and even our physical health. House keeping goes beyond just removing clutter and dirt; it can improve our overall quality of life.

From reducing stress and anxiety to increasing productivity and creativity, a clean and organized home can work wonders for our well-being. On the other hand, living in a disorganized and cluttered environment can adversely affect our mental and emotional health. Understanding the psychological implications of house keeping can empower us to take control of our living spaces and, ultimately, our happiness.

In this blog post, we will examine the psychology of a clean home and explore how house keeping impacts various aspects of our well-being. Whether you’re a self-proclaimed neat freak or struggling to keep things tidy, this insightful analysis will shed light on the powerful connection between a clean home and a healthy mind.

Key Takeaways:

  • Clean home, clear mind: Keeping your home clean and organized can positively impact your mental well-being.
  • Reduced stress: Clutter and mess can contribute to feelings of anxiety and overwhelm, while a tidy environment can promote relaxation and reduce stress levels.
  • Improved productivity: A clean home can help you stay focused, be more productive, and feel motivated to accomplish daily tasks.
  • Better physical health: Regular cleaning and decluttering can improve physical health by reducing allergens, dust, and germs in your living space.
  • Enhanced mood: Living in a clean environment can boost your mood, increase happiness, and provide a sense of accomplishment and pride.
  • Boosted creativity: A clutter-free space can promote creativity and inspiration, allowing your mind to focus on new ideas and projects.
  • Quality of sleep: A clean and organized bedroom can improve the quality of your sleep, helping you feel more rested and refreshed each morning.

The Science of Cleanliness and Mental Wellbeing

house keepingPsychological Benefits of a Clean Home

You may not realize it, but the state of your home can significantly impact your mental well-being. Studies have shown that individuals living in clean and organized environments tend to experience lower stress and anxiety levels. When your home is tidy and clutter-free, your mind can relax and focus better, improving productivity and a sense of calmness. Maintaining a clean house can also boost feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction, enhancing your overall mood and mental health.

Living in a clean space can promote better physical health as well. Reduced clutter means fewer places to hide dust, allergens, and germs, leading to a healthier indoor environment. Breathing cleaner air and having a sanitary living space can improve physical well-being, ultimately positively impacting your mental state.

A clean home can also foster a sense of control and stability. By organizing and decluttering your surroundings, you are taking charge of your environment and creating a space that reflects your values and priorities. This sense of empowerment can translate to other areas of your life, boosting your confidence and overall well-being.

Adverse Effects of Clutter and Disorganization

On the contrary, living in a cluttered and disorganized space can have detrimental effects on your mental health. Research has indicated that individuals surrounded by clutter are more likely to experience feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and even depression. The chaos in your environment can lead to a constant state of stress, making it difficult to relax and unwind.

Clutter has been linked to increased levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in your body. Prolonged exposure to high levels of cortisol can have harmful effects on your physical and mental health, including weakened immune function and impaired cognitive abilities. The constant visual reminder of unfinished tasks and disorganization can also contribute to feelings of inadequacy and a lack of control.

The negative impact of clutter and disorganization is not limited to your mental well-being. Studies have shown that individuals living in cluttered environments are more prone to procrastination and have difficulty focusing on tasks. The presence of excess stuff can be overwhelming and distracting, leading to decreased productivity and a sense of being constantly behind.

Cleanliness and Stress Reduction

Despite being often overlooked, the state of your home can significantly impact your stress levels. Research has shown that a cluttered and messy environment can contribute to increased feelings of anxiety and stress. On the other hand, a clean and organized home can help promote a sense of calm and well-being.

The Role of House keeping in Managing Stress

The state of your home can directly affect your mental health. Living in a clean environment can reduce the cognitive load on your brain, allowing you to focus better and feel more at ease. Clutter and disorganization can lead to feelings of overwhelm and make it more difficult to relax. By maintaining a tidy space, you can create a sanctuary where you can unwind and recharge.

Organizational Strategies to Minimize Stress

Strategies for keeping your home organized include implementing daily cleaning routines, decluttering regularly, and having designated spaces for everything. Creating a system for keeping track of belongings and tasks can help prevent feelings of chaos and reduce stress levels. By establishing a clear organizational structure, you can make your home a peaceful retreat from the demands of daily life.

A well-organized environment can improve your overall well-being and make it easier to relax and unwind after a long day. By implementing effective organizational strategies, you can create a harmonious living space that supports your mental health and helps you better manage stress.

The Effect of Cleanliness on Productivity and Focus

After a long day at work, returning to a cluttered and dirty house can be overwhelming. The state of our environment directly impacts our mental state, especially when it comes to productivity and focus. A clean and organized home can profoundly affect our ability to concentrate, make decisions, and be efficient in our tasks.

How a Tidy Space Can Enhance Work Efficiency

Productivity is closely linked to our surroundings. A clutter-free space allows our minds to focus better on the task at hand without distractions pulling our attention away. Studies have shown that individuals working in a tidy environment are more productive and show improved concentration levels than those working in a disorganized space.

Techniques to Maintain a Productive Home Environment

With the busy lives we lead, maintaining a clean and organized home can seem like a daunting task. However, implementing simple yet effective techniques can help create a conducive environment for productivity. Setting aside a few minutes daily to tidy up, decluttering regularly, and creating designated workspaces can significantly affect how efficiently we work.

Work surfaces such as desks should be clear of unnecessary items to minimize distractions and create a focused work environment. A regular cleaning schedule for the entire house can also contribute to a sense of calm and order, ultimately boosting productivity. By incorporating these techniques into our daily routine, we can create a home environment that promotes productivity and enhances our overall well-being.

Cleanliness and its Relationship with Mood and Happiness

The Impact of a Clean Home on Emotional Wellbeing

For many individuals, their living environment can profoundly impact their emotional well-being. Research has shown that a clean and organized home is associated with lower stress and anxiety levels. A clutter-free space can help individuals feel more in control of their surroundings and reduce overwhelming feelings. Additionally, coming home to a clean house can create a sense of calm and relaxation, promoting a positive mindset.

Clutter has been linked to increased cortisol levels, the stress hormone, in our bodies. Therefore, maintaining a clean home not only benefits our physical health but also our mental health. A tidy environment can lead to improved concentration and productivity, as there are fewer distractions to pull our focus away. This can contribute to more extraordinary accomplishments and overall satisfaction with our living space.

Cleanliness can also have a direct impact on our self-esteem and mental clarity. When our surroundings are neat and organized, we are more likely to feel proud of our space and ourselves. This boost in self-confidence can translate to improved relationships with others and a more positive outlook on life in general.

Mood-Boosting Tips for Maintaining a Pleasant Living Space

Emotional well-being is closely tied to our physical surroundings, so it’s essential to implement strategies to keep our homes clean and organized. Here are some tips to boost your mood and maintain a pleasant living space:

  • Establish a cleaning routine: Set aside dedicated time each day to tidy up and clean different areas of your home.
  • Declutter regularly: Get rid of items you no longer need or use to create a more streamlined and peaceful environment.
  • Bring in plants: Indoor plants add a touch of nature to your home, help purify the air, and promote a sense of well-being.

Any small effort you put into maintaining a clean and organized home can significantly impact your mood and overall happiness. By prioritizing cleanliness in your living space, you are investing in your emotional well-being and creating a positive environment where you can thrive.

The Connection between Orderliness and Mental Health Disorders

Many studies have shown a strong connection between the level of orderliness in one’s home and mental health. One of the most common mental health disorders that is linked to disorganization is anxiety. When living in a cluttered and chaotic environment, individuals often experience heightened levels of stress and anxiety. The constant visual reminder of disorder can create a sense of overwhelm and unease, leading to increased feelings of anxiety.

The Link Between Disorganization and Anxiety

Disorders such as hoarding disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and generalized anxiety disorder have all been associated with clutter and disorganization in the home. The inability to maintain a clean and organized living space can exacerbate the symptoms of these disorders, leading to a vicious cycle of increased anxiety and decreased motivation to address the clutter.

Research has shown that individuals who live in a disorganized environment are more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and stress. The clutter in their surroundings can act as a constant trigger for their anxiety, making it difficult for them to relax and unwind. By addressing the clutter and creating a more organized living space, individuals can help alleviate some anxiety symptoms and improve their overall mental well-being.

Depression and the Physical State of Your Home

To further compound the issue, depression is another mental health disorder that can be influenced by the physical state of one’s home. Living in a dirty or untidy environment can contribute to feelings of hopelessness and apathy. The lack of energy to clean and maintain the house can be a symptom of depression, creating a cycle where the state of the home reflects and reinforces the individual’s mental state.

Physical symptoms of depression, such as fatigue, can also make it challenging to keep up with household chores and maintain a clean living space. This can lead to a worsening of depressive symptoms as the individual becomes increasingly isolated and overwhelmed by their surroundings. Seeking help and implementing strategies to improve the cleanliness and organization of the home can play a crucial role in supporting individuals with depression.

Cultural and Societal Perspectives on Cleanliness

Variations in Cleaning Standards Across Cultures

On a global scale, cleanliness standards vary significantly across different cultures. What may be considered spotless in one society could be deemed acceptable in another. For example, in some Western cultures, people are expected to remove shoes before entering a home to maintain cleanliness. In contrast, in Asian cultures, the focus may be more on keeping the floors immaculately clean by using slippers inside. These differences reflect deeper cultural norms and values surrounding cleanliness and hygiene.

Understanding and respecting these cultural variations is crucial for promoting cultural sensitivity and harmony. When individuals from different cultural backgrounds come together, it is essential to acknowledge and appreciate these diverse perspectives on cleanliness. By recognizing and adapting to varying cleaning standards, individuals can navigate cultural differences more effectively and promote understanding.

Moreover, exposure to different cleaning practices can broaden one’s perspective and challenge preconceived notions of cleanliness. By embracing diverse cleaning standards, individuals can develop a more inclusive mindset and promote cross-cultural communication and acceptance.

Societal Expectations and Personal Preferences in House keeping

Societal expectations and individual standards often shape personal preferences in house keeping. In many societies, there is an implicit pressure to maintain a clean and tidy home as a reflection of one’s character and social standing. Failure to meet these societal expectations can lead to feelings of inadequacy or judgment from others. However, personal preferences also play a significant role in house keeping habits, as individuals may have unique standards for cleanliness based on their upbringing, personal experiences, and lifestyle.

Striking a balance between societal expectations and personal preferences is crucial for promoting mental well-being. While it is essential to adhere to specific societal cleanliness standards to avoid social ostracization, individuals should also prioritize their personal preferences to create a living environment that promotes comfort and relaxation. Individuals can make a harmonious living space that supports their overall well-being by acknowledging and respecting external and internal factors influencing house keeping habits.

It is essential to recognize that house keeping is a deeply personal and individualized practice that reflects a person’s values, priorities, and lifestyle choices. While societal expectations provide a framework for cleanliness standards, personal preferences ultimately dictate how individuals maintain their living spaces. By understanding and embracing this duality, individuals can cultivate a healthy relationship with cleanliness and house keeping that aligns with their unique needs and preferences.

The Health Benefits of Regular House keeping

Once again, the importance of regular house keeping cannot be overstated when maintaining a healthy living environment. Not only does a clean home provide a sense of order and calmness, but it also significantly impacts our physical health.

How Cleanliness Affects Physical Health

To start, a clean home reduces the spread of germs and bacteria, which can lead to illnesses such as colds, flu, and other infections. Regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces like doorknobs, countertops, and light switches can significantly decrease the risk of coming into contact with harmful pathogens. In addition, a clean home means better indoor air quality, as dust, pet dander, and mold are minimized. This can lead to improved respiratory health and decreased risk of allergies and asthma.

Furthermore, maintaining a clean and clutter-free living space can promote physical activity. A tidy home encourages movement and makes engaging in exercises like yoga or stretching easier. Keeping your home clean and organized creates a safe environment that supports your overall well-being.

The Role of a Clean Home in Preventing Illness

Preventing illness is a crucial aspect of house keeping that should not be underestimated. A clean home can be a barrier against various diseases and infections that thrive in dirty environments. Regularly cleaning and disinfecting surfaces protects yourself and your family from harmful bacteria and viruses that can cause serious health issues.

A clean home is essential for individuals with weakened immune systems, such as young children, elderly adults, or those with chronic illnesses. By maintaining cleanliness in your living space, you are taking proactive steps to prevent the spread of diseases and create a safer environment for everyone in your household.

Aesthetic Pleasure and the Psychology of a Clean Home

house keepingThe Effect of Aesthetics on Psychological States

To truly understand the psychology of a clean home, we must explore the effect of aesthetics on psychological states. Research has shown that a visually pleasing environment can profoundly impact our mood and overall mental well-being. When our living space is organized, clutter-free, and aesthetically pleasing, it can evoke feelings of calmness, contentment, and even happiness. On the contrary, a chaotic and disorganized home can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

Our surroundings play a significant role in shaping our emotional and psychological states. By creating a visually appealing space, we can promote a sense of tranquility and harmony in our minds. This is why investing time and effort into beautifying our homes is not just about aesthetics but also about nurturing our mental health.

When prioritizing aesthetics in our home environment, we must practice self-care. Creating a beautiful and visually pleasing space is a way of showing ourselves love and respect. It is a form of self-expression that uplifts our spirits and enhances our overall well-being.

Incorporating Elements of Beauty into Home Organization

To enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home, consider incorporating elements of beauty into your home organization. Whether it’s adding pops of color with decorative accents, introducing plants for a touch of nature, or investing in quality storage solutions that are both functional and visually pleasing, there are countless ways to elevate the aesthetics of your space.

It is important to remember that beauty is subjective, so focus on incorporating elements that resonate with your style and bring you joy. By infusing your living space with beauty that speaks to you, you can create a home environment that looks and feels good.

It is not just about having a clean home; it is about surrounding yourself with beauty that nourishes your soul and uplifts your spirit. By integrating elements of beauty into your home organization, you are enhancing the visual appeal of your space and nurturing your well-being in the process.

Practical Guidance for Maintaining a Clean and Healthy Home

Daily Routines for a Well-Kept Living Space

Home is where the heart is, and it’s crucial to maintain a clean living space for your overall well-being. Establishing daily routines can help keep your home tidy and organized. Start by making your bed every morning to set a positive tone for the day. Schedule a few minutes daily to tidy up common areas such as the living room and kitchen. A quick decluttering session can go a long way in maintaining a well-kept living space.

Another crucial daily task is to do a load of laundry every day or every other day to prevent a buildup of dirty clothes. Wiping down surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom after each use can help prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. Incorporating these simple tasks into your daily routine ensures that your home remains clean and inviting.

Don’t forget to involve your family members in these daily routines. Assigning tasks to each household member can help distribute the workload and teach responsibility. A clean home benefits everyone who lives in it, promoting a sense of harmony and well-being.

Long-term Strategies for Sustaining Cleanliness

Cleanliness is not just a one-time effort but a habit that requires long-term commitment. To sustain cleanliness in your home, consider implementing strategies that focus on prevention rather than cure. Invest in storage solutions such as baskets, bins, and shelves to help keep items organized and out of sight. Regularly decluttering and donating items you no longer need can also help prevent the accumulation of unnecessary belongings.

Setting aside time each week for deep cleaning tasks, such as vacuuming, mopping, and dusting, can help maintain a high level of cleanliness in your home. Creating and sticking to a cleaning schedule can prevent tasks from piling up and becoming overwhelming. By prioritizing cleanliness as a long-term goal, you can create a healthier and more comfortable living environment for yourself and your family.

Being mindful of consistency is vital when it comes to sustaining cleanliness. Celebrate small victories like completing a decluttering session or organizing a messy closet. These achievements can motivate you to continue your efforts and make cleanliness a natural part of your daily routine.

Long-term Strategies for Sustaining Cleanliness: Consistency and commitment are crucial for maintaining cleanliness in your home. By developing habits that prioritize prevention and organization, you can ensure that your living space remains clean and clutter-free in the long run.

Tools and Resources to Assist in Effortless House keeping

Tools play a crucial role in making house keeping more efficient and effortless. Invest in quality cleaning supplies, such as microfiber cloths, a vacuum cleaner, and a mop, to help you quickly tackle different cleaning tasks. Using the right tools can save you time and improve the quality of your cleaning results.

Consider utilizing technology to streamline your house keeping efforts. Various apps can help you create cleaning schedules, set reminders for tasks, and even provide cleaning tips and tricks. Additionally, online resources such as cleaning blogs and videos can offer valuable insights and inspiration to keep your home looking its best.

Organize your cleaning supplies and tools in a designated area to make them easily accessible when needed. Having everything in its place can save you time and prevent frustration during cleaning sessions. Equipping yourself with the right tools and resources can make house keeping more manageable and rewarding.

Tools and Resources to Assist in Effortless House keeping: Investing in quality cleaning supplies, utilizing technology, and organizing your tools can make house keeping more accessible and practical. By leveraging these tools and resources, you can streamline your cleaning routines and effortlessly maintain a clean and healthy home.

Personal Narratives and Experiences

Transformations through Tidiness: Personal Success Stories

Keep a tidy home, and you may find yourself on the path to personal transformation. Countless individuals have shared their success stories of how tidying up their living spaces has profoundly impacted their overall well-being. The benefits of maintaining a clean home are astonishing, from increased productivity to reduced stress levels.

One such individual, Sarah, struggled with anxiety for years until she started decluttering her home. As she began to organize her surroundings, Sarah found that her mind also felt more organized and at ease. The simple tidying up transformed her living space and helped her reclaim a sense of calm and control.

Personal stories like Sarah’s serve as powerful reminders of a clean home’s incredible impact on our mental and emotional well-being. As we hear these narratives of transformation through tidiness, we are inspired to begin our journey toward a more organized and peaceful living environment.

Overcoming the Struggles of Maintaining a Clean Home

On the surface, keeping a clean home may seem simple. However, many individuals struggle with maintaining cleanliness in their living spaces. From busy schedules to lack of motivation, various obstacles can stand in the way of achieving a tidy home.

One common struggle is the feeling of overwhelm that comes with trying to tackle a messy environment. It can be daunting to face clutter and disorganization, leading many to avoid addressing the issue. However, by breaking down tasks into manageable steps and establishing a routine, individuals can gradually overcome these obstacles and take control of their living space.

Personal accountability and commitment are critical components in overcoming the struggles of maintaining a clean home. By fostering positive habits and mindset shifts, individuals can create a sustainable and healthy living environment that promotes well-being and mental clarity.

Addressing Common Challenges in House keeping

Time Management and Busy Lifestyles

Nowadays, many individuals find it challenging to keep up with the demands of maintaining a clean home due to hectic schedules and busy lifestyles. Finding time for house keeping can become a real struggle with work commitments, family responsibilities, and social engagements. However, effective time management strategies can help address this issue and make incorporating house keeping tasks into your daily routine easier.

With careful planning and prioritization, you can allocate specific time slots for cleaning and organizing tasks. Breaking down larger chores into smaller, more manageable tasks can also make it feel less overwhelming. Consider creating a cleaning schedule or checklist to stay on track and ensure nothing gets overlooked. Bear in mind that a clean and organized home can positively impact your overall well-being, so it’s worth investing time and effort into maintaining it.

Plus, research has shown that regular cleaning activities can help reduce stress levels and improve mental clarity. By controlling your living space and creating a tidy environment, you are setting yourself up for success in other areas of your life. So, next time you feel overwhelmed by house keeping tasks, remember the significant benefits it can have on your mental and emotional well-being.

Overcoming Procrastination and Building House keeping Habits

For many, procrastination is a significant obstacle to maintaining a clean and organized home. It’s easy to put off cleaning tasks in favor of more enjoyable activities, but this can lead to clutter buildup and a chaotic living environment. Building healthy house keeping habits is essential for overcoming procrastination and ensuring your home remains clean and tidy.

Establishing a routine and sticking to it is critical to developing good house keeping habits. Start with small, achievable goals, such as making your bed every morning or washing dishes right after meals. Gradually increase the intensity and frequency of your cleaning tasks to build momentum and consistency. Remember that consistency is critical to maintaining a clean home and preventing clutter from taking over.

Plus, having a designated cleaning area with readily available supplies can make it easier to tackle chores as they arise. Creating an organized and efficient cleaning space will make you more inclined to take care of tasks promptly. Investing time and effort into building these habits will help you keep a clean home and foster a sense of pride and accomplishment in your living space.

The Future of House keeping: Trends and Innovations

house keepingTechnological Advances in Home Cleaning

Trends in house keeping show a remarkable shift towards technology-driven solutions. From robotic vacuum cleaners that can map out your home and clean while you’re away to smart home systems that control lighting and temperature and even detect when surfaces need cleaning, technology is revolutionizing how we keep our homes clean. These innovations save time and ensure a more efficient and thorough cleaning process.

One of the most significant advances is the development of self-cleaning surfaces. Imagine countertops fighting off bacteria, odors, or windows that repel dust and dirt. These innovations reduce the need for constant cleaning and contribute to a healthier living environment.

As technology evolves, we expect to see more sophisticated cleaning devices and systems entering the market. The future of house keeping is undoubtedly intertwined with technology, promising a more convenient, efficient, and hygienic way of maintaining a clean home.

Sustainable Practices and Eco-friendly Cleaning Solutions

Solutions in house keeping are also shifting towards more sustainable and eco-friendly options. With increasing awareness of the environmental impact of traditional cleaning products, more people are turning to natural and biodegradable alternatives. From plant-based detergents to reusable cleaning cloths, there is a growing demand for safe products for the environment and our health.

One positive trend is the rise of refill stations for cleaning products, allowing consumers to reuse containers and reduce plastic waste. Additionally, companies are investing in innovative packaging designs that minimize single-use plastics and encourage recycling. These sustainable practices benefit the planet and promote a more conscious approach to house keeping.

The future of house keeping lies in embracing sustainable practices and eco-friendly cleaning solutions. We can contribute to a healthier environment for ourselves and future generations by making small changes in our cleaning routines and product choices.

Final Words

Drawing together the various aspects of how house keeping affects your well-being, it becomes clear that maintaining a clean home is not just about appearances. The psychology behind a tidy living space goes much deeper, significantly influencing our mental and emotional states. From reducing stress and anxiety to promoting better sleep and productivity, the benefits of a clean home on our overall well-being are genuinely remarkable.

By understanding the connection between our environment and mental health, we can approach house keeping as a self-care rather than a mundane chore. Creating a clean and organized living space can profoundly impact our mindset and daily functioning, helping us feel more in control and at ease within our surroundings. It is imperative to prioritize the cleanliness of our homes as part of our holistic approach to self-care and wellness.

Ultimately, the psychology of a clean home highlights the powerful relationship between our environment and well-being. By embracing the positive effects of house keeping on our mental health, we can cultivate a sense of calm, clarity, and contentment in our daily lives. So, next time you pick up a sponge or vacuum cleaner, remember that you are not just cleaning your house but also nurturing your mind, body, and soul.


Q: Why is a clean home essential for your well-being?

A: A clean home can reduce stress, promote relaxation, improve air quality, lower the risk of allergies, and create a more organized and efficient living space.

Q: How does house keeping impact mental health?

A: Clutter and disorganization in the home can lead to feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and even depression. Maintaining a clean house can boost mood and overall mental well-being.

Q: What are the benefits of a clean and organized living space?

A: Benefits include increased productivity, improved focus, better sleep quality, reduced allergens, and a sense of accomplishment and pride in your surroundings.

Q: How often should one clean their home for optimal well-being?

A: It’s recommended to do daily maintenance tasks and light cleaning, weekly deep cleaning, and seasonal decluttering and organizing to maintain a clean and healthy living environment.

Q: Can hiring a professional cleaning service improve wellbeing?

A: Yes, outsourcing cleaning tasks to professionals can reduce stress, save time, and ensure a thorough and consistent cleaning, contributing to improved overall well-being.

Q: How can decluttering affect mental health?

A: Decluttering can help reduce overwhelming feelings, increase focus and productivity, and create a sense of calm and control in your living space, positively impacting mental health.

Q: What are some tips for maintaining a clean home to support well-being?

A: Develop a cleaning routine, involve all household members in chores, declutter regularly, use organizational systems, and prioritize self-care to create a clean and harmonious living environment that promotes well-being.

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